Master In Structure Design

Design Skill
Last Update July 29, 2024
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114 Lessons

How to Create a Model in ETABS

In this Leason you will be learning How to create a Mathematical model in ETABS Software.
What all the different methods we have to create mathematical model in ETABS23:26Preview
How to Import (.Dxf) Beam Center Line Plan in ETABS for Creating a model in ETABS.24:13
How to define Material Grade For Beams, Columns, Slab & Shear Wall.16:49
How to define the Section Properties for Beam, Column & Slab.13:05
How to position Columns in Our Project as per Architectural Plan.15:35
How to Draw Slab in our Project as per Architectural Requirements.7:11
How to Create different floors or Levels in our Project as per requirements.00:24:31
How to Draw Shear Wall in our Project.3:54
How to identify warning in our Model.00:08:81
Section 1st Quiz

Global & Local Axis

In structural analysis, the terms "global axis" and "local axis" are used to describe different coordinate systems that are used to analyze the behavior of structures.

Applying Fixed Support in Model.

Supports are a crucial part of your structural analysis model. It is imperative that you understand the different types of structural supports from the beginning as they have the potential to incorrectly represent your model. This can cause incorrect results that do not accurately simulate the real-life situation.

Gravity Load ( Dead & Live Load ) on Beam & Slab

Gravity loads are a type of structural load that are applied to a building and can be classified as either dead or live loads.

Floor deflection Checks for Service Load Combinations in our Model.

It is important to ensure that a structure meets the functional requirements – the Serviceability limit state (SLS). It does not involve collapse or strength of a building but impair it usefulness and stiffness.

Frame – Releases / Partial Fixity or Moment Release in ETABS.

In ETABS, you can release a moment in a beam by checking the box to release the major bending at the start or end of the beam.

Modal Analysis (Dyanmic Analysis) of Building.

Modal analysis in ETABS, also known as the mode-superposition method, is a linear dynamic-response procedure that evaluates and superimposes free-vibration mode shapes to characterize displacement patterns. The goal of modal analysis is to determine the natural frequencies and vibration modes of a structure

Static Analysis for Earthquake Design

Static analysis is a method of evaluating a structure's seismic response to earthquakes by assuming that earthquake forces are steady and unchanging.

Floor Diaphragms – Semi Rigid & Rigid Diaphragms

Rigid diaphragms have infinite in-plane stiffness properties, and therefore they neither exhibit membrane deformation nor report the associated forces, whereas semi-rigid diaphragms simulate actual in-plane stiffness properties and behavior. For most reinforced-concrete slab systems, in which the slab is sufficiently thick and membrane deformation due to lateral loading is negligible, rigid diaphragms produce results nearly identical to those of semi-rigid diaphragms, while taking advantage of faster computation. Semi-rigid diaphragms should be modeled when significant in-plane deformation does occur, or when required by code. Floor diaphragms can only be assigned to elements in the same X-Y (i.e. Horizontal) plane.

Eccentricity in structural design

Property Modifiers /Cracked Section / Stiffness Modifiers Factor in ETABS

Stiffness modifiers are used to consider the cracking of structural elements and to achieve the desired efficient internal actions in different parts of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. The use of stiffness modifiers according to ACI 318, IS 456, IS1893, and IS16700 codes is explained, and their implementation in ETABS is demonstrated.

Earthquake Checks for Lateral Statabilty of the Building.

To ensure that a building can withstand loads (in this case, lateral forces of the ground as it shakes), structural engineers carefully design structural elements. Earthquake loads are quantified and this value helps in determining the design lateral force the building has to resist; this is used to determine sizes of beams, columns, walls, and other structural elements. These lateral forces are often pretty large; to be able to design buildings that can resist these forces, it’s essential for engineers to understand soil behavior. This is because the soil on which a building is constructed impacts the response of the building to the ground shaking. The softer the soil, the larger the lateral forces and vice versa. Engineers use several methods to determine the soil type and its nature

Dyanmic Response of Building ( Response Spectrumn Analysis ).

Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA) is a linear-dynamic statistical method used in structural engineering to assess the maximum seismic response of a building. It's a vital tool that helps engineers evaluate the dynamic response of structures to seismic and other dynamic loads

Analysis of the Torsional Irregularity for Response Spectrumn Analysis.

Torsional irregularity is one of the most probable types of horizontal irregularity and existence of this irregularity in most of the structural loading codes is determined by calculating the ratio of the maximum to the average story drift.

A soft story check.

A soft story check in ETABS is a stiffness irregularity check that can be performed to determine if a building level is more flexible than the stories above and below it. A soft story is a level of a building that has a lateral stiffness that is less than 70% of the stiffness of the story above it, or less than 80% of the lateral stiffness of the stories above it. This can lead to undesirable building performance, and in recent earthquakes, buildings with soft stories have sustained severe structural damage and collapsed.

Vertical Design Response Spectrum.

Vertical Design Response Spectrum is used to consider vertical earthquake effects on the elements. In some cases, vertical earthquake effects can be considered with a constant coefficient, while in other cases the vertical response spectrum can be used

P Delta Analysis

P-Delta effect, one type of geometric nonlinearity, involves the equilibrium compatibility relationships of a structural system loaded about its deflected configuration. Of particular concern is the application of gravity load on laterally displaced multi-story building structures. This condition magnifies story drift and certain mechanical behaviors while reducing deformation capacity.

Dual Structural System

Dual system is a system in which the resistance against lateral forces is formed through a series of shear walls or braced frames, with a series of moment frames. The shear portion of each series is determined based on their lateral stiffness and their interactions in all stories.

Property Modifiers /Cracked Section / Stiffness Modifiers Factor in ETABS for Strength Load

Rebalance the Dynamic Base Shear in our ETABS Model

Load Combination & Envelope

In structural analysis, a load combination is a way to combine or sum the results of different load cases, while an envelope load combination is a combination of load cases and combinations that includes basic results for selected load cases and combinations

Reinforced concrete Beam design in ETABS Software.

Designing beams and columns using ETABS, a popular structural analysis and design software, allows for efficient and accurate structural planning.

Column Design

Design of Columns entails determining the dimensions of the various columns. Fixing the shape and determining the length and width of the cross-section are all part of the dimension. Designing also entails determining the diameters of the reinforcing bars in the reinforced column's design.

Understanding Shear Walls Design

A shear wall is a specialized structural system constructed within buildings to resist lateral forces, such as wind and seismic activity. These vertical elements stabilize the building’s entire framework, distributing the stress brought by external influences throughout the structure. When external forces do apply pressure to a building, shear walls resist the horizontal movement and transmit the load to the foundatio

Wind Loads

Wind load is essentially the wind pressure or wind force, in pounds per square foot, exerted on a building. There can be uplift wind load (affects roof/horizontal structures), shear wind load (horizontal pressure that can damage walls) and lateral wind load (can cause foundational issues)

Safe Software – Foundation Design


How to create Structural Framing

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